COVID-19 Testing Options

Rapid Antigen Test- nasal swab
15 minute turn around time
The test detects viral protein in an actively infected person. FDA EUA clearance.
Negative = no infection
Negative tests should be treated as presumptive.
Even after a negative antigen test, the test result should be confirmed with PCR testing.
Covid-19 RT-PCR Testing – Nasal Swab or Saliva (spit) Test
RT-PCR testing is used to diagnose active infection via nasal swab or saliva
Turn around time will be 24-48-hours from lab sample receipt.
Ideal for travel clearance and Pre-Surgery clearance
Letter of results, which test used, reference number and clinic information can be provided.

Covid-19 Antibodies Test
IgM and IgG antibodies
Depending on when someone was infected and the timing of the test, the test may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19 infection.
Requires a blood draw. 24-48 hours turnaround time.

Events or Corporate Covid Testing
COVID-19 testing at your place of employment or pre/post event.
15 minute turn around time.
Minimum of 20+ tests required for a one-time visit.

Weekly Testing
RT-PCR or Rapid antigen testing is used to diagnose active infection of Covid- 19.
PCR tests are available with a 24-48-hour turnaround time from lab sample receipt.
Rapid antigen have a 15 minute turn around time.
Letter of results, which test used, reference number, and clinic information can be provided.
Why is there a fee for testing?
Group Covid Testing Inquiries
Free COVID-19 testing is only available at government-sponsored testing centers. You can search for one of those locations at https://findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov/.
Snap Medical Wellness is not a public entity and our tests get processed at national commercial labs that charge us for this service.
Our COVID-19 testing fee covers evaluation and screening costs, test collection, required supplies, staff coverage, and reference lab testing fees.
Please note we do not accept major medical insurance for COVID testing and we do not file insurance claims on your behalf.
Payment for this service is paid directly to Snap Medical Wellness.
It is your responsibility to address the cost of the COVID testing with your insurance company.
We can not guarantee that insurance will reimburse you the full cost of the test.